Co-founding ventures that empower personal health. is a collective of ambitious founders dedicated to building ventures that empower personal health.

Are you a founder or expert with a personal health vision? Join us!

We are a collective of founders on a mission to revolutionize personal health.

We aim to create solutions that empower individuals to take an active role in their well-being, offering proven and personalized solutions that measure, understand, and sustainably improve their personal health.

We all share in the impact and success of each other. This ensures that individual and common interests are aligned toward our shared mission.

We build personal health ventures that drive behavioral change.

  • Accessible

    Making proven solutions accessible and affordable.

  • Preventive

    Innovative solutions to measure, know and act.

  • Personalized

    Solutions that fit individual needs and preferences.

  • Integrated

    Integrated, community-driven approach and solutions.

The ultimate co-founder from vision to venture.

We partner with purpose-driven founders to accelerate the development and success of their personal health venture.

  • Integration of expertise allowing founders to benefit from shared knowledge, experience, and networks.

  • Proven methods, tools, and frameworks that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Long-term support and engagement in the growth and development of the venture.

  • Collaboration among founders to learn from each other, share best practices, and create synergies.

  • Access to resources such as funding, potential co-founders, strategic partners, office space and technological infrastructure.

We focus on the earliest stages (ideation, validation, company creation) using a proven step-by-step process from vision to venture to accelerate progress, minimize risk & maximize impact.

  • Goal = Vision

    Purpose to solve a pressing problem and turn the problem into an inspiring vision


    1. Vision & motivation fit

    2. Experience & skills fit

    3. Personality & culture fit


    Founder-studio fit

  • Goal = Opportunity

    Ideate and identify viable business opportunities


    1. Vision & strategy

    2. Business ideas

    3. Business plan

    4. Pitch deck


    Impact-opportunity fit

  • Goal = Team

    Form founding team with long term commitment


    1. Team

    2. Roadmap

    3. Terms


    Founding-team fit

  • Goal = Concept

    Full understanding of customer problems and belief in our ability to solve them


    1. Customer insights

    2. Value propositions

    3. Key assumptions


    Customer-problem fit

  • Goal = Solution

    Run experiments and validate solutions to prove the business model.


    Validated Business model on desirability, feasibility, viability, and sustainability.


    Problem-solution fit

  • Goal = Venture

    Build the team, marketing, sales, ops and get to paying customers as soon asap.


    1. Independent team

    2. Paying customers

    3. Product-market fit

    4. Profitable or funded


    Product-market fit

  • Goal = Impact

    Manage and scale the venture


    1. Scaling-up framework

    2. Impact

    3. Profit


    Sustainable-growth fit